About Us

Kratos Hospitality Services

We are a highly experienced team of hospitality professionals providing a range of consulting services and expert guidance to Hotels/Resorts, Restaurants, Commercial Kitchens, Clubs and touristic places .

 Consultants are committed to providing  practical, profit-oriented advisory services.

We are bound by the highest ethical, professional and confidentiality practices.

Our consultants have held ownership, entrepreneur roles, executive, and senior level positions within the hospitality industry. We have provided services to many Owners of Hospitality establishments spending time developing strong relationships and understanding the demography of the region.

Kratos Hospitality members have graduated from some of the most respected hospitality schools, and other Highly acclaimed Institutions. All our members hold Degrees/Post Grad degrees from reputable Universities.

We work with clients from proposal through final project presentation and implementation, and every client has direct and immediate access.

Our consultants vast experience ensure they understand and manage projects working effectively and efficiently as a team. We deliver top class services to our clients and aim to always exceed expectations.

Hotel Owners, Investors, Operators, and Senior Executives across the Industry rely on Kratos Hospitality Consultants professional expertise, and their resources for their projects.

Some Clients we serve:

Hotel Owners, Real Estate Developers and Operators

Restaurants, Bars, Commercial Foodservice & Club Operations

Destination & Tourism Management Organizations

Spa & Leisure

Legal & Finance related

Our Mission

Our philosophy is to have an entrepreneurial approach and provide practical and professional solutions.

Kratos Hospitality Consultants know that each assignment is distinctive in its scope and outcome expectations

We pledge to assist and support our clients achieve success and maximize profit.

Our mission is to elevate food, beverage and hospitality services to the highest level.

We endeavor to exceed our clients’ expectations.

Help create a safe and secure environment for business sustenance.

We firmly believe in the Kaizen philosophy – it is a Japanese term meaning “change for the better” or “continuous improvement.” A business philosophy regarding the processes that continuously improve operations and involve all employees. It is a gradual but methodical process… the end result is excellence !